Municipal Site of Melitopol City, Ukraine
Людям із порушенням зору
Стандартна версія





Due to the occupation of the city, Ukrainianswere forced to leave their homes and move to the government-controlled territory, and they left with nothing. Currently, more than 15,000 families are in need of minimal housing, primarily 1,500 families belonging to socially vulnerable groups. This problem can be solved by repairing and improving the houses in the city for social dormitories.

To provide housing for IDP families belonging to socially vulnerable categories by repairing and arranging space in existing buildings for social dormitories.

Preparation of documents for use:

  1. For a part of the building (1 and 2 blocks) of the dormitory No. 3 in Kropyvnytskyi, Universytetskyi Avenue, 8, which is accounted for on the balance sheet of the Central Ukrainian National Technical University;
  2. For the building of the dormitory located at: 34a, Enerhetykiv Street, Kamianske, Dnipropetrovska oblast;
  3. The building of the dormitory located at: 70 Matrosova St., Kamianske, Dnipropetrovska oblast;
  4. Part of the building (1 and 2 blocks) of the dormitory No. 3 in Kropyvnytskyi, Universytetskyi Avenue, 8.


  • provision of housing for IDPs belonging to socially vulnerable categories of the population;
  • improved living conditions of IDPs belonging to socially vulnerable categories of population in Melitopol and Melitopol district.


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