Municipal Site of Melitopol City, Ukraine
Людям із порушенням зору
Стандартна версія


Together, we are capable of miracle


In the middle of the last century, near Melitopol, near the thousand-year-old Stone  Grave, which rises in the middle of the endless Azov steppe, a treasure was found. It was a clay pot with a thousand coins.

The fate could exchange each of them for wealth or luck for anyone.
And it was possible to unite and create a miracle for the whole world by collecting coins in the hands of good people.

Unfortunately, everyone wanted to get a miracle only for themselves. Coins crumbled, rolled around the world, changed owners. Many have already forgotten about the magical power of the unity of Melitopol treasure.

But still, everyone who got a coin can make their most secret wish and find out if it will come true.

Now all of us have one desire – to come back home, to the free, strong Ukrainian Melitopol. And it can be done only by uniting.

So we gather around us as many kind and sincere friends as possible. We give each of them our coin so that together we are capable of miracle.

Flip a coin!

While fate decides, courageous Ukrainian soldiers are already paying the highest price for our wish to come true.

So see you in Melitopol!

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